Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Mrs Oats is Leaving

Mrs Oats is sorry to say goodbye. Keep up the good work Room 7. You Rock!

Mrs Wishy Washy

Room 7 enjoyed a day of Mrs Wishy Washy stories. This is Mrs Oats dressed as Mrs Wishy Washy.
We were so excited to watch the theatre performance at the Pump House in Takapuna.
What a fun school trip!

Ambury Farm Visit

We helped raise money for riding for disabled by buying horse cookies, and had turns patting the ponies. It's not everyday we get to see a horse on the school field!

So much happens in class everyday!

There's always something different happening in class. Quietly reading, constructing, creating artwork, performing or listening to an interesting story.

Te Reo

We really enjoy it when Whare Paddy comes to teach Te Reo.

Maths games

We love making a repeated pattern with our maths equipment. We can also make groups of ten.